Source - It's Within You

    I started contemplating about expanding the topics of this blog into mindfulness and holistic well-being a while ago because it's intertwined with every part of my life. It's something I enjoy discussing with friends, family, colleagues, acquaintances... well, pretty much everyone, to be fair.  I believe I've accumulated enough knowledge and experience on the subject over the years to comfortably write about it from  my point of view, so here's a first attempt at doing so. Nothing fancy, mind you. Just a wee introduction into the mind-blowing world of the subconscious mind.

    My quest for Knowledge and understanding of the Universe and ourselves is nothing new.  I was just sticking to the classic blogger formula of having a niche back in the day. This doesn't work for me anymore. Actually, I don't think it ever did, as I don't care much for compartmentilising. I'm unapologetically interested in various, often unrelated topics (or so it seems at first), and if I feel like sharing more in my online space, I'll do just that. This is (mostly) a personal lifestyle blog after all. Some posts are more intimate or vulnerable in nature, while others are more like your typical magazine articles. Stick around if you feel like it.

    In 2018, I discovered a book called Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself. It sat on my bookshelf for a while, waiting to be savoured, and I vividly remember my fascination reading it while exploring Southeast Asia (namely Bali and Cambodia) the next spring. This is not your regular "read it and forget about it" book. It demands some serious work as you go through it, but it is so worthwhile. One of the major benefits I experienced was effortlessly quitting a bad habit I'd had for years. No resistance whatsoever. Honestly, I didn't even expect it would happen like that! 

    It's safe to say Dr Joe Dispenza's work has been crucial in this healing journey of mine, and I have been following his work ever since hoping to join one of his week-long retreats in the future. Not that it's necessary (the most important work we do is on our own), but I would like to experience it for myself because it seems like good craic that could deepen my practice and expand my consciousness even more. There's just something about being in a room full of like-minded individuals, sharing the same goal, and helping this planet evolve. 

    What I love most about Dr Joe Dispenza and his team of scientists and researchers is that they're always trying to back up their claims using proper scientific methods. This Knowledge and Practice have been around for thousands of years. They've had different names, they've been tweaked and experimented with, and now we finally have brilliant people today who are doing their best to make it accessible and understandable to anyone who is willing to alocate some time to learn about it.

    Maybe you're wondering, "What kind of sorcery is she talking about?" or maybe you're a skeptic curious by nature. Whatever is the case, you can start with the documentary Source - It's Within You, and find out more about the mind's extraordinary potential to influence the body. Powered by InnerScience Research Fund, this documentary unveils groundbreaking discoveries about the profound impact of meditation on our mind and body.  Witness stories of transformation, healing testimonials, and explore the research that is helping propel meditation and this work to the forefront of modern history.

   Let me close this post with the following statement: I truly believe that meditation practice (with a dash of psilocybin) can completely transmute the pain of humanity and this beautiful planet for the better. Stay open-minded, lads and lasses. 

Disclosure: I only recommend products that I would use myself, and all opinions expressed here are my own. This post contains affiliate links, meaning I may earn a commission at no additional cost to you.


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